While speaking on the Happy. Sad. Confused podcast Garfield discussed that he even lied to “Spider-Man” director Marc Webb and his co-star in that feature, Emma Stone, about being in the film. “Emma kept on texting me and she was like, ‘Are you in this new ‘Spider-Man’ film?,’” said Garfield. “And I was like, ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ She was like, ‘Shut up and just tell me. And I was like, ‘Honestly, I don’t know.’ I kept it going even with her. It’s hilarious.”

“There were moments where I was like, ‘God, I hate lying.’ I don’t like to lie and I’m not a good liar, but I kept framing it as a game,” he said in a previous interview. “And I kept imagining myself purely as a fan of that character, which is not hard to do.” Garfield asked himself what he’d want, as a fan, and quickly came to a conclusion: He’d want lies. “I would want the actor to do an incredibly good job at convincing me he wasn’t in it,” he said. “And then I would want to lose my mind in the theater when my instinct was proven right. That’s what I would want.” Garfield has discussed that the stress of lying to reporters and fans for months was all worth it even if it was hard to maintain. “I was happy to do it, but it was a lot of work on everyone’s part,” he said. “It obviously gave people a big thrill in the theater, and what more do you want from a theater experience than a thrill?” Garfield has been on a career high this year. Not only does he have his moment in the new “Spider-Man” feature he’s also drawing raves for his performance as “Rent” creator Jonathan Larson in Lin-Manuel Miranda’s feature “Tick Tick Boom” and playing Jim Bakker in “The Eyes of Tammy Faye.” “Spider-Man: No Way Home” is in theaters now. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here.