Directors from Martin Scorsese to Francis Ford Coppolahave their opinions about how Marvel’s massive cinematic universe is taking up too much oxygen that could have gone to more creative filmmakers. Meanwhile, Marvel actors (a group which encompasses much of Hollywood’s A-List at this point) weigh in to defend the franchise. The latest Marvel star to vouch for the studio is”WandaVision” and “Doctor Strange” star Elizabeth Olsen. In a new interview with The Independent, Olsen expressed her belief that the franchise receives too much criticism. “I’m not saying we’re making indie art films, but I just think it takes away from our crew, which bugs me,” Olsen said. “These are some of the most amazing set designers, costume designers, camera operators – I feel diminishing them with that kind of criticism takes away from all the people who do award-winning films, that also work on these projects.”

Olsen understands that Marvel makes a certain type of movie for a broad audience, but believes that should not take away from the craftsmanship that goes into the films. “From an actor’s point of view, whatever, I get it; I totally understand that there’s a different kind of performance that’s happening. But I do think throwing Marvel under the bus takes away from the hundreds of very talented crew people. That’s where I get a little feisty about that.” Olsen says that she was only supposed to appear in three Marvel movies when she was first cast in the role, and was pleasantly surprised that the studio wanted to continue working with her. “I only signed on to do a couple movies, so it continues to be a surprise when they want to use me for more projects,” she said. “I’ve been confused by how lucky I got with them wanting to make ‘WandaVision.’” Olsen added that she sees no end in sight for her Marvel journey, and is willing to keep making Marvel movies and shows as long as the quality remains at its current level. “I don’t know how big the plans actually are, but I’m down for anything as long as there’s a good idea attached to it,” “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” is now playing in theaters. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here.